News & Reports

Fuelling business prosperity: Government’s role in fostering a sustainable commercial insurance market

April 22, 2024|

In Canada’s complex economic landscape, commercial insurance plays a pivotal role, supporting the stability and expansion of businesses in numerous industries. This report highlights areas in which governments can play a role in fostering a robust, prosperous commercial insurance sector, one that is better equipped to support businesses.

The Canadian Cyber Insurance Market

October 24, 2023|

As cyber threats continue to evolve, businesses – particularly small and medium-sized enterprises – will need more education on cyber security, resilience and how to qualify for cyber insurance. Read the latest IBC report on the state of the Canadian cyber insurance market.

Commercial Insurance National Quarterly Report – Summer 2023

August 3, 2023|

The Canadian insurance market has remained resilient despite economic volatility, extreme weather events, supply chain and labour challenges and geopolitical uncertainty. Inflation and natural catastrophe risk were the main drivers of premium and cost pressures in commercial property insurance in the first half of 2023.

Commercial Insurance National Quarterly Report – Spring 2023

May 5, 2023|

Commercial insurance market conditions continue to stabilize; however, the impact of the January 1 reinsurance renewal costs, along with a number of other factors exerting pressure on property lines including sustained inflation, has led to some concerns for those property lines with high-risk exposure to natural catastrophes.

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